Luis Pastoriza
M.S.M., R.M.C., C.M.R
Municipal Clerk & Registrar
Patrice Bassett
Deputy Municipal Clerk /
Deputy Registrar, CMR
Vital Statistics
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 103
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7087
Welcome to the Office of Vital Statistics and Registry:
The Office of Vital Statistics is open Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:00pm. We suggest you arrive by 2:30pm to ensure same day processing.
Marriages and corrections are processed by appointment only. Please contact: to schedule an appointment.
Long form birth, marriage and death certificates can also be requested through the mail. Mail in requests are currently taking 10-15 business days once received by our Office. Effective January 2024 Certificates cost $25 and $10 for additional copies of the same record purchased at the same time. No records can be verified over the phone, fax or through email for security purposes. Marriage License applications are being taken via appointment only. To get more information on scheduling your marriage license application contact us at: Thank you & Stay Safe.
This Vital Statistics office ONLY holds records of events that have occurred in the City of Camden from 1924 to present. For genealogical records and records of events that have occurred prior to 1924 you must contact the State Department of Health and Human Services at (609) 292-4087.
The exact date of the event, mother’s maiden name and father’s name (if applicable) are all requirements when applying for a vital document. Appropriate identification for certified copy issuance consists of valid State Identification with proof of current address. If the applicant is married they must include a copy of a marriage certificate to show how their name has changed. If you do not have valid State Identification, two alternate IDs can be used. (See “Forms” button).
Mailing-in Information:
If mailing in a request for a certified copy you will need to complete the application located in the “Forms” section on the left. Send a copy of appropriate ID, marriage certificate if necessary and proof of relationship. All checks or money orders should be made payable to the City of Camden and a self-addressed stamped envelope needs to be included. Mail in request are taking 10-15 business days to be processed. (See “Forms” button).
Marriage License Information:
Marriage license applications are taken Tuesday & Wednesday ONLY 8:30am-2pm. Only applicants residing in Camden City or those residing out of the State of NJ who intend to be married in Camden City may file an application here. At the time of application, both applicants must be present with valid photo ID with current address. If utilizing a valid passport, you must present a proof of current address within 90 days. One witness over the age of 18 must be present at the time of the license with valid photo ID as well. All applications are done on a first come, first served basis. Licenses cost $28 and take 72 hours to be prepared. Cash, credit, debit, check or money order are acceptable forms of payment. Once picked up, you will have 30 days to be married. If you have been married before, divorce or death information will be required. To schedule a ceremony feel free to contact:
Camden County Surrogates Office, Blackwood, NJ (856-225-7130), Burlington County Superior Court & Surrogate, Mount Holly, NJ (609-265-5233),or Gloucester County Superior Court, Woodbury, NJ (856-878-5050 ext 15170)