Timothy J. Cunningham, ESQ.
Business Administrator
Department of Administration
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 409
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7150
Fax: 856-968-4708
Email: BusAdmin@camdennj.gov
Divisions & Bureaus
Welcome to Administration
The Department of Administration directs and assists the City departments and bureaus in ensuring the best quality service is provided to Camden residents, businesses, and visitors; ensuring that such service is provided effectively and efficiently.
Administration also works closely with a variety of partners at all levels of government, as well as non-governmental organizations, to provide a public benefit to the City and people of Camden.
The Department of Administration is led by the Business Administrator, who is the highest ranking non-elected official, and responsible for implementing and executing the Mayor’s vision, policies, and direction.