The City of Camden recently adopted a BYOB ordinance which is on the left side of this web page. Only establishments that meet the BYOB ordinance’s definition of a “Restaurant-BYOB” are permitted to allow BYOB on the restaurant’s premises.

The BYOB ordinance also includes certain restrictions on allowing BYOB on BYOB-appropriate restaurant’s premises.  Please review and become familiar with the BYOB ordinance.

Pursuant to the BYOB ordinance, only those restaurants that meet the following definition are allowed to permit BYOB on their premises:

RESTAURANT – BYOB – an establishment in which cooking facilities are maintained and which shall not include a “Restaurant-Carry-Out/Fast Food” as defined herein where no alcoholic beverages are sold and where food and beverages are prepared and sold primarily for consumption on the premises and within a building or similar structure by customers who are served at tables by staff serving them and in which no drive-through facilities are provided at this establishment and which also meets the requirements of Section 181-34 of the Camden Code.

As noted in this ordinance, the BYOB ordinance requires an establishment:

1. To have “cooking facilities” which are maintained on-site;

2. To be an establishment where food and beverages are prepared and sold primarily for consumption on the premises;

3. To serve customers who are seated at tables and served by staff in the establishment;

4. To not have a drive-through facility; and

5. To meet all of the other requirements of the BYOB ordinance.

To further assist you, there are also BYOB FAQs and a brochure discussing the BYOB ordinance on the left side of this webpage.

If you still have questions, please feel free to e-mail your questions to: