Luis Pastoriza
M.S.M., R.M.C., C.M.R
Municipal Clerk & Registrar
Office of the City Clerk
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 105
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7223
Fax: 856-757-7220
Email: Clerk@camdennj.gov
OPRA Email: OPRARequest@camdennj.gov
Yenise E. Valdez
Assistant Municipal Clerk
Office of the City Clerk
Phone: 856-757-7223
Fax: 856-757-7220
Divisions & Bureaus
The Office of the Municipal Clerk is the oldest municipal office in continuous operation within the City of Camden, and has existed prior to the formal incorporation of the City of Camden on February 13th, 1828. The Office of Municipal Clerk fulfills several important core duties as described below.
As Secretary of the Municipal Corporation– The Municipal Clerk is Custodian of the municipal seal. Maintain custody of all minutes, books, contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation. Attest to the signatures of municipal officers and officials. Maintain receipt of service of legal documents.
As Secretary to the Governing Body– Prepare meeting agenda at the discretion of the Governing Body, be present at all meetings of the Governing Body. Keep an official record of the proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all minutes, ordinances and resolutions. Process, record, file and, when necessary, advertise ordinances, resolutions and the municipal budget. Maintain list of Boards and Commissions.
Administer and Record Oaths of Office– Before assuming office, every person elected or appointed shall take and subscribe to an oath of office.
Chief Administrative Officer of all Elections held in the Municipality- Certify vacancies at a local level. Maintain receipt of nominating petitions and certification to the County Clerk of local candidates nominated by petition. Determines the validity of petitions. Suggest polling places and maintain receipt of election results. Certify to the County Clerk persons elected to partisan county committee offices in each election district.
Open Public Records Act (OPRA)- Request for government records can be obtain by submitting an OPRA request form . Please note this form is not to be used to request birth certificates. OPRA Email: OPRARequest@camdennj.gov
Records Management Unit–Records retention, storage (whether they are hard copy or electronic copy) and destruction as well as day to day preservation are conducted through this office.
Vital Statistics– Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates, Marriage Licenses (please note: all visitors must show valid identification to obtain either licenses and/or certificates);