

City Council Special Meeting

City Council Chamber Second Floor City Hall, Camden, NJ

City Council Public Meetings - 2nd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise indicated. Should there be any changes in the dates of these meetings, the Administrative Code shall be followed and a Resolution will be adopted within the prescribed timeframe.

City Council Caucus (Pre-Meeting Conference)

City Council Chamber Second Floor City Hall, Camden, NJ

The Pre-Meeting Conference shall be open to the public, however, there shall be no public participation at the Pre-Meeting Conference.

City Council Public Meeting

City Council Chamber Second Floor City Hall, Camden, NJ

City Council Public Meetings - 2nd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise indicated. Should there be any changes in the dates of these meetings, the Administrative Code shall be followed and a Resolution will be adopted within the prescribed timeframe.

ABC Meeting

Virtual Link to be provided on website

Municipal Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control Meeting

City Council Caucus (Pre-Meeting Conference)

City Council Chamber Second Floor City Hall, Camden, NJ

The Pre-Meeting Conference shall be open to the public, however, there shall be no public participation at the Pre-Meeting Conference.

City Council Public Meeting

City Council Chamber Second Floor City Hall, Camden, NJ

City Council Public Meetings - 2nd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise indicated. Should there be any changes in the dates of these meetings, the Administrative Code shall be followed and a Resolution will be adopted within the prescribed timeframe.

ABC Meeting

Virtual Link to be provided on website

Municipal Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control Meeting

City Council Special Meeting

City Council Chamber Second Floor City Hall, Camden, NJ

City Council Special Meeting - zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93979332144?pwd=U3FqVnJ5VFRsamYzdVEzcEFTZFhXQT09 Should there be any changes in the dates of these meetings, the Administrative Code shall be followed and a Resolution will be adopted within the prescribed timeframe.