Scott Z. Parker
Department of Finanace
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 213
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7582
Fax: 856-757-7354
Divisions & Bureaus
Important Information
Chief Financial Officer – Director of Finance
Duties and responsibilities are set forth as follows:
Supervise Finance Department staff through Division Supervisors
- Director’s Office
- Treasury
- Payroll
- Grants Management
- Revenue Collection
Monitor compliance with all applicable laws and regulations relating to finance
- Directives of the Division of Local Government Services, NJ, DCA
- Local Bond Law (40A:2), Local Budget Law (40A:4), Local Fiscal Affairs Law (40A:5), Local Public Contracts Law (40A:11) and other relevant statutes
- Rules and regulations promulgated by the Local Finance Board, Division of Local Government Services or any other State agency pertaining to financial administration
- Federal and New Jersey Single Audit Act Requirements (for grant programs)
- Continuing financial disclosure obligations, federal law, and any agreements executed as part of past issuances of debt
- Internal Revenue Regulations relating to the issuance of tax-exempt debt, employee payroll and vendor payments
Prepare and present the annual budget
- Project, calculate, document, and provide detail to support long-term plans related to surplus, revenue, appropriations, personnel costs, tax levy, tax levy caps, capital and debt
- Oversee the debt authorization and issuance process
- Monitor budget appropriations and anticipated revenue
- Develop and recommend fiscal policies (i.e. a surplus policy)
Financial Reporting
- Supervise posting, maintenance and reconciliation of all books of original entry
- Analyze general and subsidiary ledgers
- Review and present monthly Treasurer’s Reports on cash and investments
- Prepare and submit the Annual Financial Statement and Debt Statements
- Prepare “audit ready” financial schedules subject to audit review and opinion
Develop a system of Internal Controls to safeguard assets and monitor compliance
- Document processes, procedures, and authorizations
- Assure that training is provided to all relevant City personnel regarding Finance processes, procedures and authorizations
- Serve as custodian of all public funds
- Review and evaluate internal accounting control processes, procedures and authorizations for improved control, efficiency and for better financial management