Bureau of Grants Management
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 213
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-3506
Fax: 856-757-7354
The Bureau of Grants Management was created to act as the lead agency with authority over grant applications and awards, contracting, purchasing, receipts and the disbursement of funds relating to all grants in the City of Camden.
The BGM releases an annual Request for Proposals for funds available through the Community Development Block Grant Program, HOME Investment Partnership Program, Emergency Solutions Program and HOPWA Grant Program. The process begins with the holding of our annual Grant Funding Seminar. The seminar provides valuable information on how agencies and organizations that service the citizens of Camden, can access our grant funds.
Projects selected for funding each year are incorporated into our Annual Consolidated Plan. Once the funding plan has been developed, a public meeting is held to solicit comments from the public on the plan. Other public meetings are held throughout the year concerning amendments to the Consolidated Plan.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting the BGM directly at (856) 757-7689 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Goals and Objectives:
- To review and reconcile grant funds received and reserves.
- To streamline processing of payments to subrecipients.
- To ensure compliance with all requirements of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and other grant sources.
Office Operations:
- In conjunction with the Division of Planning, establish an annual Consolidated Plan, identifying the City’s needs and establishing priorities.
- Set grants development and management policies and procedures
- Coordinate proposal development
- Review proposals to ensure technical merit and budgetary accuracy, as well as compliance with City policies and grantor regulations
- Coordinate details of proposal submissions with other offices/units of the municipal government
- Discuss award amounts, project and budget revisions with grantees
- Receive official notification of awards and review terms and conditions
- Coordinate administrative details of funded projects, including billing, budgets and agreements with subrecipients
- Monitor project budgets to ensure that all projects expend funds in accordance with grantors policies and regulations
- Monitor the completion and submission of progress and financial reports on funded projects
- Receive, review and evaluate all progress and financial reports
- Maintain records on funded projects
- Close out completed projects
- Provide in-service training to City staff in grants development and management
- Provide technical assistance on grant application review
- Review and approve subcontracting/subrecipient agreements
- Maintain centralized grant files in office
- Receive, review and recommend submissions of request for continuations, extensions and revisions
- Responsible for budget revisions; prepare revision guidelines for project manager according to funding source guidelines; develop budget revisions with project manager, and forward to finance department for review and approval.
- Review grant budget expenditures (review Finance Department’s expenditure reports monitoring expenditures and excess cash; communicate with project manager regarding budget concerns; follow up and provide support to ensure full and proper budget expenditures)
- Notify administrators, personnel office, finance department and project managers of expected expiration dates
- Perform grant monitoring (review project audit reports and monitoring site-visit reports; meet with project director regarding results)
- Intergovernmental Agreements (review and coordinate approval of agreements with legal counsel and submit to Finance Department)
- Prepare annual grant reports (prepare annual report of all external funds obtained and submit to Finance Department for verification)