Information Technology
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 209
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-968-4760

The Division of Information Technology (DIT) will position itself to develop “IT as a business discipline” in providing City-wide services in technology planning, technology investment, and portfolio management, as well as technology identification, selection, implementation and support to all City departments and constituents. The DIT will be a strategic partner with and technology consultant to all City departments in the management of all information technology applications and technology capital investments and be the provider of choice of core information technology services. In fulfilling this mission, DIT will: Act as a focal point for strategic change with enabling technology. Serve as technology consultants and coordinators for City departments to aid in identification, selection, and implementation of technology driven or assisted operating requirements. Develop DIT to act as a business unit with performance measures that enable value generation for the entire City organization and tracking of technology investments. Develop an information technology policy for City-wide utilization. Develop enterprise-wide technology architecture to drive standards that enable information sharing and maximize return on technology investments. Provide strategic IT services and serve as an enabler to improve the delivery of City services and improve the efficiency, productivity, and financial performance of City operation