Marvin J. Poveda
Chief License Inspector
Bureau of License & Inspections
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 220
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7131
Fax: 856-342-7168
Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Bureau of License & Inspections is to review and approves all business applications for licenses in the City of Camden. Enforces all license requirements and maintains up-to-date files for all licensed businesses. In addition, enforce the City Code 485 Business Code of the City of Camden, which establishes requirements and standards for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare of all businesses.
Property Maintenance Inspections:
The Bureau of License & Inspections performs inspections of commercial businesses for property maintenance compliance. Upon completion of the initial inspection the owner is given a copy of the violation record and a date for re-inspection; if the violations have not been abated, court action may be initiated. Business properties are required to be inspected at the change of ownership and/or by complaints. Business properties are required to be inspected and possess an approved certificate occupancy & zoning to obtain a license.
- Complete application must be paid in full
- Zoning approval
- Approved certificate of occupancy
- All taxes must be current (Tax Office Suite 117)
- Satisfactory health certificate, for food establishments & tattoo parlors (Camden County Health Department)
- All utilities must be on at the time of inspection