Bureau of Personnel
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 405
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7414
Fax: 856-541-2598
Email: Personnel@camdennj.gov

The role of the Bureau of Personnel is to:

  • provide the City of Camden government with effective and efficient services that focus on recruitment and retention of qualified employees in accordance with the NJ Department of Personnel guidelines
  • to provide quality and cost-effective benefit programs that meet the needs of employees, and retirees, and to administer an effective salary/compensation management program.
  • provide job applications to interested individuals, maintain applications of file for six months, provide copies of applications to department directors when a vacancy occurs
  • process all employee personnel actions.

Search the Civil Service Commission web site for vacancy announcements throughout the State. City and County vacancies are posted for the public’s information. As other vacancies occur, they will be listed at this site.

The City of Camden is pleased to provide an online version of our Employee Policy Manual. Please note that policies are subject to change without prior notice and there may be a delay between the new or revised policy being placed online. There may also be additional policies not included in the online policy book which remain in effect. The Employee Policy Manual can be downloaded using Adobe Acrobat Reader.