Bureau of Revenue Collections
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 117
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7003, 7002, 7004, 7134
Email: tax@camdennj.gov
Forms & Links
The role of the Revenue Collection Division is to accurately process (collect, deposit, post, and report) all revenue; increase tax collection revenue; and manage tax liens within the parameters set forth by laws and regulations of the State of New Jersey.
- Prepare and process the annual tax levy (quarterly Tax, Special District and PILOT bills).
- Collect all property tax payments and provide central cashiering for other City revenue.
- Post and deposit daily collections in coordination with the City Treasurer.
- Assist City Treasurer with monthly reconciliations of transactions and balances.
Daily Management
- Provide information and assistance to taxpayers regarding billings, payments, and balances.
- Official tax searches: research paid/delinquent/lien status for title, mortgage, and insurance companies.
- Provide tax status reports for properties requested by the City’s Code Enforcement Department.
- Process fire insurance checks.
- Notify taxpayers of delinquent balances after each payment due date.
- Process annual tax lien sale. Assign municipal tax liens to investors whenever possible.
- Assist Legal Department with the property foreclosure process.
- Inform outside lien holders of subsequent payment information; to maximize cash collections.
- Process tax lien redemptions.
Reporting – Provide reports to the Mayor or City Council when requested or required.