Bureau of Revenue Collections
520 Market Street
City Hall, Room 117
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 856-757-7003, 7002, 7004, 7134
Email: tax@camdennj.gov
Forms & Links
2025 Tax Sale Notice:
The City of Camden Announces the sale of its 2024, and prior delinquent Taxes and Water/Sewer charges through an online auction on Tuesday, April 8th. For a complete listing of all available parcels, delinquencies cost and tutorials, please visit https://camden.newjerseytaxsale.com beginning Thursday, March 6th.
Please be advised:
Certificate purchasers are herewith advised, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 13:1K-6, that industrial properties may be subject to the “Environmental Clean Up Responsibility Act,” the “Spill Compensation and Control Act(N.J.S.A. 58:58:10-23.11),” and the “Water Pollution Control Act(N.J.S.A. 58:10A-1).” These laws preclude the municipality from issuing a tax sale certificate to any purchaser who is or may be in any way connected to the prior owner or operator of such sites.
The role of the Revenue Collection Division is to accurately process (collect, deposit, post, and report) all revenue; increase tax collection revenue; and manage tax liens within the parameters set forth by laws and regulations of the State of New Jersey.
- Prepare and process the annual tax levy (quarterly Tax, Special District and PILOT bills).
- Collect all property tax payments and provide central cashiering for other City revenue.
- Post and deposit daily collections in coordination with the City Treasurer.
- Assist City Treasurer with monthly reconciliations of transactions and balances.
Daily Management
- Provide information and assistance to taxpayers regarding billings, payments, and balances.
- Official tax searches: research paid/delinquent/lien status for title, mortgage, and insurance companies.
- Provide tax status reports for properties requested by the City’s Code Enforcement Department.
- Process fire insurance checks.
- Notify taxpayers of delinquent balances after each payment due date.
- Process annual tax lien sale. Assign municipal tax liens to investors whenever possible.
- Assist Legal Department with the property foreclosure process.
- Inform outside lien holders of subsequent payment information; to maximize cash collections.
- Process tax lien redemptions.
Reporting – Provide reports to the Mayor or City Council when requested or required.