Senior Services and Emergency Assistance
1000 N. 6th Street
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone: 859-757-7285
Fax: 856-757-7335
The Bureau of Senior Services and Emergency Assistance serves and represents the needs of older residents of the City of Camden and assists those residents who have experienced a catastrophe or one of the many predicaments of poverty. The Bureau’s activities have included, but have not been limited to, providing scheduled senior citizen food and clothing, shopping trips, outreach to shut-in seniors, and providing seniors with leisure time activities. The Bureau also provides services to City of Camden residents who are homeless, potentially homeless, or has suffered a catastrophe.
Senior Services
Camden City Seniors are invited to register with the Department of Human Services every year. Registered Seniors with the department are invited to participate in programs throughout the year that are designed to improve the quality of life for our older citizens. These includes programs geared towards recreation, fitness, fun and safety.
Emergency Services
Residents in the city who have encountered hardship for a variety of reasons and as a result find themselves struggling pay for rent or utilities may qualify for one of several programs geared towards homelessness prevention.