Joe E. Thomas Jr.
Economic Development Rep.
UEZ Coordinator
Phone: 856-968-3531
New Jersey’s Urban Enterprise (UEZ) Authority (enacted in 1983) is in the Department of Community Affairs. The UEZ Program fosters an economic climate that revitalizes designated urban communities and stimulates their growth by encouraging businesses to develop and create private sector jobs through public and private investment.
The UEZ Program offers participating businesses incentives to encourage business growth and stimulate local economies. Over 6,700 certified UEZ businesses participate and benefit from the program’s advantages.
A number of tax and other financial incentives will be available online through the New Jersey Business Action Center as of July 1, 2011, at Click on the UEZ link to determine if your firm is in a zone and if you qualify for the program. If you do, you may complete your registration, reporting, and sales tax payments online from your computer. (updated)
Benefits to UEZ firms include:
- Businesses participating in the UEZ Program can charge half the standard sales tax rate on certain purchases, currently 3.3125%, effective 1/1/2018
- UEZ businesses may enjoy tax exemptions on certain purchases, including capital equipment acquired and investments made to build a new facility or expand or upgrade an existing facility
- A need for change was recognized, and State economic development activities were consolidated, creating the New Jersey Business Action Center (BAC) in the Department of State. Depending on the project, UEZ benefits will be coordinated by the economic development team in the New Jersey Business Action Center (BAC) in the Department of State. The team includes development partners in the offices of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (“EDA”), the New Jersey Department of Labor, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Community Affairs, the Department of State and the local Mayor’s office. Programs of interest to zone businesses include but are not limited to:
- The New Jersey Business Action Center plays a key role in helping grow, retain, and attract business to the State. The center serves as a “one-stop” shop for business. The team at the Center works to encourage entrepreneurship by supporting New Jersey’s businesses of all sizes, supporting the global competitiveness of New Jersey companies, and promoting the State’s attractiveness as a vacation destination and business investment location nationally and internationally.
- Business Retention and Relocation Assistance Grant, available through the EDA (“BRRAG”) for relocation and retention of at least 250 non-retail jobs where the grant is a material factor. Special limitations/bonuses for UEZs.
- Assistance from the New Jersey Department of Labor through its One-Stop Centers in hiring, training, and retraining existing or new employees.
New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Program Assessment 2019
New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Program Assessment February 2011
The Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) Program was created to foster an economic climate to revitalize designated urban communities and stimulate their growth by encouraging businesses to develop and create private sector jobs through public and private investment.
Certified commercial businesses within the Camden UEZ district, which includes most of the City, can benefit from UEZ incentives. With every dollar spent at eligible Camden UEZ businesses, 3.3125% of the sales tax collected is invested back into the local community. These reinvestment projects may include:
- Business Loans
- Facade & Signage Grants with match
- Hosting by the Municipality for Local Events
- Business Recruitment and Retention Initiatives
- Property Acquisitions
To become a UEZ member, click